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Are One on One’s the most important meetings you can have?

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

When you consider culture eats strategy for lunch every day of the week you may want to rethink the importance and prioritization of One on Ones within your organization. The size of the organization has no bearing on the importance of this time with team members.

Communication, clarity, and direction are what employees seek the most in being productive and engaged in their work. Prioritizing regular meetings with managers and their team members provides an excellent opportunity to get real-time feedback on a number of points. It also gives both parties the opportunity to review any adjustments that need to be made in alignment with their goals and overall mission.

What is the downside of having one on one time together? A poorly run meeting, missing agendas, lack of attention, distracting environments and inauthentic feedback can and will undermine this important time together. Effective One on One’s are critical to execution, gaining real-time feedback and ultimately aligning the vision and importance to each role.

How important are these points to your business, your team members, and your culture?

Communication: One-on-one meetings provide a dedicated space for open and focused communication between a manager and an employee. This allows for the exchange of information, feedback, updates, and concerns that might not be easily addressed in larger group settings.

Building Relationships: These meetings foster stronger relationships between managers and employees. Regular one-on-one interactions show employees that their opinions and contributions are valued, leading to improved morale and engagement.

Feedback and Performance Management: One-on-one meetings are an excellent platform for providing feedback, discussing performance goals, and addressing any challenges an employee might be facing. This personalized feedback helps employees understand their strengths and areas for improvement.

Individual Development: These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss an employee's career aspirations, skill development, and training needs. Managers can offer guidance on how employees can achieve their career goals within the organization.

Problem Solving: One-on-one meetings allow managers to address issues or challenges that an employee might be experiencing. These discussions can lead to finding solutions and creating action plans to overcome obstacles.

Alignment: Through these meetings, managers can ensure that employees' tasks and projects align with the broader company goals and objectives. This helps in maintaining a sense of purpose and direction within the organization.

Recognition and Motivation: Managers can use one-on-one meetings to recognize and appreciate employees for their contributions and achievements. Recognizing their efforts boosts motivation and job satisfaction.

Trust and Transparency: When managers regularly engage in one-on-one conversations, it fosters a sense of trust and transparency. Employees are more likely to share concerns, ideas, and challenges in a private and confidential setting.

Personal Well-being: One-on-one meetings provide an opportunity to discuss work-life balance, stressors, and any personal challenges that might be affecting an employee's performance. Managers can offer support and resources to help employees manage their well-being.

Candid Conversations: In a private setting, employees are more likely to express their thoughts and concerns honestly. This enables managers to gain deeper insights into the team's dynamics and make informed decisions.

Adaptability and Flexibility: One-on-one meetings allow managers to adapt their management style to each individual's needs. This personalized approach improves the overall effectiveness of the team.

Preventing Issues: Regular one-on-one meetings can help prevent issues from escalating. By addressing concerns and challenges early on, managers can take proactive steps to resolve them before they impact the team's performance.

I encourage you to revisit your organizational use of one-to-one time. Is the time productive for both parties or another dreaded meeting? Leaders should always be evaluating what they can do to support their teams in the work they do and ensure their efforts are fully aligned with the needs of the business.


If your organization would benefit from an evaluation on how to be more effective with team members and their needs, feel free to contact us at Innovative Consulting and Coaching.

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